"Configurable" Wall Systems - Olympia / York / Albany Kits
Fit any space! Create highly detailed custom structures which suit your needs.
Most of our structures are designed with the ability to "configure" wall arrangements to suit your space or industry requirements. This feature also allows you to build the same kit in up to 15 different wall configurations ... no two builds have to look alike!
Olympia Tool & Die in 3 configurations!
Our standard wall components feature dove-tail joints which provide a solid, quality fit with adjoining wall sections. You can position the walls parallel to each other, at 90 degrees, or any angle in between.
This "Diagram Legend" will assist you in understanding the following suggested wall configurations for our Olympia Tool & Die / York Industries kits ... and also pertain to many of our other kits such as Albany Mfg Co., Allstate, etc.

Some rear wall panels are "blank" as the building is designed to locate against your backdrop.
As an example, here are the possible building footprints designed into the Olympia & York kits...
Basic Fully Walled structures...
... or Full Flat and Shallow Relief...
...or many more Fully Walled footprints ...
So it's easy to see how you can adjust the wall combinations of our kits to create the configuration you need to fit your space!.
Please contact us with any questions you may have HERE.