HO4162SR - 1.5" Side Walls for the HO4162 Rear Wall Kit - ITLA

HO4162SR - 1.5" Side Walls for the HO4162 Rear Wall Kit

Regular price $14.99
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Add these optional Side Walls to the HO4162 Rear Wall kit and create a stand-alone  "Shallow Relief" structure 1.5" in depth.

Side Walls / Pilaster & Cornice Trim / Roof Panels


This kit includes ...

Four (4) - 1.5" Side Walls in MDF - the lower wall pair is laser engraved to match the block foundation of the HO4162 Rear Wall Kit.

Two (2) Roof Panels - Upper and Lower in MDF.

Eight (8) Pilasters (four with engraved block foundation), and Cornice molding to complete the Side Walls and match the HO4162 Rear Wall Kit.

Available only with the purchase of our HO4162 (Southside) Rear Wall Kit .