Backdrop Walls

Here's a great example on my home layout where an unrealistic corner was transformed into something much more visually appealing.

I've been staring at this corner of my layout for years, and finally had the time, focus and product solution to put in place.

After a little measurement and sketching, I used our ITLA Reinforced Concrete Industrial Wall Modules to create some backdrop wall sections that dropped in place and covered the blank wall.

I built all of this "flat" on my workbench, super-detailed the building face with our ITLA wall details, added lighting and put it in place.  I love the visual transition this provided ... that industrial, "concrete canyon" effect that I was looking for.

ITLA Backdrop Wall example using our laser cut wood Reinforced Concrete Industrial Wall Module kits.  Backdrop building kits in laser cut wood.

Let me know if you have any questions by leaving me a comment below, or writing me from my Contact page.



  • Jim Pirrong

    I have a crappy corner also. I think now I will have a solution. Terrific job I hope
    mine will turn out as well!!

  • Keith Kolmos

    Excellent work. Stumbled across your site while looking at Chicago L track stuff. Awesome job!

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